the churches of Christ Salute You   ​Romans 16:16 the only church that Jesus built!

Matthew 16:18-19

From window to left wall and door side

Apply two coats of paint to all walls, ceilings, window trim, baseboards and door.




Apply two coats of paint to all walls, ceilings, window trim, baseboards and door.

Toward window and entrance door  

Toward window and entrance door  

Apply two coats of paint to all walls, ceilings, window trim, baseboards and door.


Total Cost For Office: $791.00  (Taxes in)

Entrance door and light switch 

Office Room in Basement ($700 + tax, includes paint and all relative materials) 

1. Apply plaster, tape, out and inside corners strips and make any corrections needed.

2. Install baseboards/mouldings.

3. Apply one coat of primer.

4. Apply two coats of paint to all walls, ceilings, window trim, baseboards and door.

From right wall to left wall